Day Thirty-Seven
As usual, Elke and I got a late start on Sunday. It wasn't AS much our fault as it normally is though, because it was raining for most of the day.When we finally ventured out, it was around 4. We decided to head down to the West Village, because neither of us had done much exploring there. Of course, by the time we actually got down there, we were both starving. So we looked around for somewhere to eat. Elke didn't have much cash left at ALL by this point, so we either needed somewhere cheap or somewhere that took credit card.
We ended up at one of the most amazing Mexican restaurants I have ever eaten at. The food was SO GOOD. Elke and I got the same thing - 1/2 nachos, 1/2 quesadillas, mine with chicken, hers with beans. She managed to clear her entire plate in like 15 minutes, and it was a HUGE plate. Along with having REALLY good food, they also had been rated as having some of the best margaritas in the city, so of course we had to get some. Turns out the critics were right - they were the best margaritas we had ever had.
Sadly, we had to rush a bit through our dinner because we had to get to the Upright Citizen's Brigade Theatre up on 33rd. I wish I could remember the name of the restaurant at which we ate - the only thing I know about it is that it was near NYU, so if I go there I can eat there ALL the freaking time.
We had ordered tickets earlier in the weekend to see UCB's Asssscat show. As you may recall, we tried to go last week, but they were all sold out even though we waited almost an hour in line. But this time we got in because we had preordered and we got to cut in front of all the other suckers who were already in line for the next show, which wouldn't be starting for another 2 hours.
The show itself wasn't bad. I was kinda bummed that Amy Pohler or Jon Stewart didn't show up (it's happened before), but I wasn't really expecting them too, so I wasn't TOO terribly disappointed. The $2 PBR more than made up for it. Gross, I know, but it's the cheap drink of choice at my favorite bars in Athens.
After the show we just headed back home to watch Adult Swim.