Friday, August 26, 2005

Day Thirty-Two

The weather here was supposed to be beautiful all week, so I figured I'd spend some time in the park Tuesday morning. So I got up before Elke and packed up all my stuff and headed to my usual spot over by Belvedere Castle. When I left it was 75* and sunny, so when I got there I saw TONS of people lying out and felt completely comfortable doing the same. I did a practice LSAT while I tanned.

I stopped by the apartment to pick drop off my backpack and meet up with Elke, who was up by the time I got home. We headed out to the East Village to see what Howl Fest was all about and check out some vintage stores. It turned out that Howl Fest didn't really exist beyond the nightly performances (there was supposed to be a ton of street art) and the vintage stores were all ridiculously overpriced, which I guess was to be expected. Why can't these people understand that these are USED clothes - and most of them don't even have any fashion value beyond a costume party.

Then we went to St. Mark's Place to find somewhere to eat. We decided on the Dojo Restaurant because it was both cheap and tasty looking. Plus you could create your own smoothie and the bartender was really hot. Of course, we ended up getting stuck in a corner and the food was AWFUL. It was some of the worst stuff I'd ever eaten. My grilled cheese was cold and made on pita bread - I had to send it back. Then my fries tasted like they got them at McDonald's three days ago and then left them on the counter. As for my rice, well, it tasted TERRIBLE and looked (and felt like maggots). They very well could have been. The good news is it was cheap.

Oh, this table of idiot girls sat down near us while we were there. One of them was Asian, and another girl asked her what town her dad was born in and the girl goes, "I don't know - he's Shanghainese - All I know is he's Shanghainese!" Believe me, it was hilarious.

After dinner we decided to head over to Union Square to check out Forever 21 and have another look at Filene's Basement. On our way there we saw a man selling decorated sea shells on the street. We stopped when he said "they're real leaves" as we passed by. They had pressed pot leaves glued to them and they were painted and had a hook. They're really really cool and not expensive at all - I got a smaller one for $3, and Elke got bigger ones for $12 - one for her and one for her friend's birthday. I want to make mine into a Christmas tree ornament and I might even put it up if we get our own little Christmas trees.

Shopping proved relatively fruitful - I got a shirt for $12 at Forever 21 and another one for $10 from Filene's Basement. And they're both very cute - I didn't even buy them for the sake of finally buying something since I'd been failing at it all day. After that we hung out in the square a bit, and then we decided to head home - we needed something in our stomachs that wasn't from Dojo.


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