Monday, August 22, 2005

Day Twenty-Seven

Dammit.. I had this thing half done when my computer shut itself down. It tends to overheat because the fan's slightly clogged from all the shit it collects when my dumb ass tries to actually use my laptop on my lap.

Moving on.

I was a bit sick of seeing all the same things in all the different stores, so I decided it was time to do my favorite kind of shopping - thrift store shopping. I read in a couple places that 23rd Street is a great place for such things, so I hopped on the train to Gramercy.

It turned out whoever wrote all those nice things about 23rd Street was right. The first block alone had four thrift stores, one of which was a Salvation Army. They were pretty picked over in the fasionable clothes department (no surprise there), but I found a white t-shirt that says "Slut for Art" across the front in big black letters. It's WAY too big, but that's nothing a pair of scissors and a sewing machine can't fix.

At the next store, however, I found something EVEN cooler - a rhinestone-studded Harry Potter jean jacket. It's a size or two too small, but I figured it's ridiculous enough that no one's going to bother noticing that the sleeves are half an inch too short. The same store had a really cute Betsey Johnson suit for $45, but it wasn't my size. Sad.

I didn't buy anything else, but I did have great amounts of fun browsing all the racks of vintage clothing. There's something so much more satisfying about it than regular shopping. It's all about the hunt, I guess.

Elke and I just hung out at home for a bit. We went to McDonald's for the second day in a row to get fries from Darwin, the nice boy who takes our order every single time we go in there (which is more than I'm willing to actually admit).

Then we went to the 11.15 showing of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory: The IMAX Experience, bringing our grand total of times seen in the theatre to three. I know, I know, we're crazy, but it was completely worth it. I cannot explain to you how entrancing it was to watch this trippy-ass movie on a HUGE HUGE HUGE screen. Drugs were not even needed to fully appreciate it.

The only problem was, we got there a little late, so we didn't have time to stop and get some candy at the concession stand. This meant that we had to sit through the entire movie with NO CANDY. It was torture and I'm not even that big of a candy person - I much prefer things containing salt and butter and cheese. So of course we had to stop at Duane Reade on the way home and pick up some snacks.


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