Saturday, August 13, 2005

Day Twenty-One

After my disaster of a day Thursday, I decided to take it easy yesterday and find something to do around here. So I spent the afternoon lying on a blanket in Central Park.

First, however, I had to go to Barnes and Noble to finally pick up an LSAT prep book, as these two weeks were supposed to be devoted to early preparations for the October test. I've decided to retake it in the hopes that I'll do a little better when they're not Monday of finals week.

As I was looking at the books and trying to decide which one to buy, some man came up to me and started talking about the LSATs when he took them 20 years ago. However, I guess he was having serious problems, because his face was COVERED in snot. Pools of it had collected in the crevices of his face. I thought I was going to be sick. I kept staring determinately at the books in front of me as he droned on for the next TEN minutes, pausing only to occasionally wipe his nose. Then he wrote the names of some books he recommened in a child's handwriting and I grabbed the first prepbook I could and RAN to the check-out counter.

On my way to the park I found a nice little yarn store - good selection, prices aren't too bad. I'll definitely be back soon with my patterns so I can actually buy something.

Once at the park I ended up setting up camp in the same area Elke and I were last time - right next to Turtle Pond, which sits just below Belvedere Castle - quite a nice view, very peaceful. I wore my bikini underneath my clothes in the hope that I wouldn't feel too trashy sunbathing while taking my practice LSAT and reading. When I got there, it turned out most of the people there were doing just that, so I stripped down to get some sun.

The next few hours were wonderful with only a few minor glitches. It turns out the prepbook I got SUCKS ASS. I guess I should have done my research, as every reviewer on said roughly the same thing. The questions are just really, really poorly worded. Obviously whoever wrote that crap factory has never even heard of semantics, much less studied it. But Necklace of Kisses was a wonderful read for an afternoon in the park (but I'm not yet done, so don't ruin anything!). I have a feeling it could end up being my saving grace.

As I passed the baseball fields on my way home, a man stopped and asked if I would be willing to join their team for just one game so they didn't have to forfeit. Sadly for him, I had been in the middle of reminiscing about the last time I played baseball. It was in summer gym in high school, and they had a rule that everyone had to hit the ball - no one could strike out. I believe it took 29 strikes with the pitcher 10 feet in front of me throwing the balls AT my bat for my teacher to finally let me give up and sit back down. The retarded girl in our class went after me and she hit it after only 8 pitches. So I made up an excuse and hurried away. But I almost wish I had said yes. If nothing else, I could have met some people. Oh well, baseball playing people aren't really my kind of people anyway.

When I got home Elke was taking a nap, so I just kind of hung out. We were going to go to the club Shannon works at that night, so we just sat around until it was time to leave. Then, just as we were putting the finishing touches on our outfits, Shannon texted Elke to let her know that there was no point in us coming. By this time it was midnight and too late to find something else to do, especially since the Upper West Side nightlife is mainly geared toward frat boys and old people. So we picked up some beer and Doritos and had our own private party here.


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