Day Fifteen
Elke had NO clean clothes left by yesterday, so she couldn't even shower until she did her laundry. We agreed to be up by 1.00 to get it done early enough to still be able to do something in the afternoon, but she didn't get up until after 3.00. Then she spent an hour playing with the children who live down the hall (she loves kids), so I knew we were probably going to be stuck at home for a while. I watched a couple movies on TV and worked on the hat I'm making my younger sister for Christmas (a little early, I know, but these things take time and I'm making things for a couple of people, plus I have stuff I have to make for my Halloween costume).We finally got our laundry done and Elke showered and that meant we could finally go somewhere. However, just because we could didn't mean we had to. Elke's friend Seth, who's been interning here all summer, is leaving Monday, and we have yet to hang out with him, so seeing him was our first priority. His brother was throwing him a going-away party at a private club downtown, so we were going to meet up with him there. So Elke and I got all gussied up and headed out for our first REAL night out around midnight.
The party itself was the most fun night we've had so far. It was in this really dimly-lit room filled with plush tables and chairs and a DJ. We immediately got drinks and sat down at a table by ourselves. Thankfully, the alcohol quickly started working its magic and we became comfortable enough to socialize. We mainly just talked to Seth and his college roommate, who also knew no one else there.
As the alcohol continued to work through our systems, we even loosened up enough to dance. There were a couple other people dancing, but no one danced as long as we did. We requested a bunch of fun songs (Shoop, Prince, Whitney, Paula) and the DJ played all of them. We even got Shaun, Seth's really, really shy roommate to dance with us. It was great fun.
Just as we were leaving, the rum in my fourth drink started to kick in. But not much harm was done as we quickly jumped into a taxi and drove away. Some guy tried to sell Elke a bag on our way out, but she told him we were fine. I don't really remember much about the rest of the night - not a complete black out, just a bit fuzzy - but we basically just went to bed as soon as we got home.
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