Sunday, July 31, 2005

Day Eight

Because we were up so late the night before, we didn't get up until almost 3.00 yesterday. Elke and I were used to this, but Garrett kept freaking out about how we had wasted the entire day. I guess time is more precious to someone who is just visiting New York instead of LIVING here like I do.

But we finally got all our shit together and went to Artie's Deli, which is a Jewish restaurant. They had something called a "Knishpuppy," which is a hot dog in a knish. It was great. Then we went to Zabar's so I could get some more broccoli and cheddar knishes, as I've already eaten the ones I bought last week.

Unfortunately, something was wrong with my eyes. I think my left one had a little cut on it. Either way, they were very dry and itchy. So when we got home I took a nap, despite the fact that we'd slept so late. I wrapped my blanket around my eyes to keep out the light. Garrett sat on the couch, bored, while Elke and I napped.

Seeing as it was Saturday night, we decided we should go out. We found a cool-sounding bar about 10 blocks from us called the Dublin House. However, when we got there it was definitely not our scene. There was a HUGE neon sign outside shaped like a harp and the people there were at least twice our age. Also, there were 4-5 women standing outside, all wearing white shirts and jeans. It was like there was a dress code that no one told us about.

Luckily, we had passed some pretty cool bars on our way to the Dublin House. There was one, Prohibition, that looked AWESOME, but we were not dressed nearly nice enough for it, so we went to the restaurant/bar next door, Senor Swanky's. It was really empty for a Saturday night, but they had unlimited free chips and salsa and you could sit outside. So we got beers and Garrett got a margarita and we had a great time. Anywhere that gives you free chips is like heaven as far as I'm concerned.

And then we came back here and drank some more and smoked and just hung out. However, we went to bed a bit earlier than the night before, as we knew we'd have to be up "early" (by noon). And then I had sweet, sweet dreams about free tortilla chips.


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